Culture Matters! The mission of The School of Life is to help organizations build the cultural infrastructures that support sound decision making, healthy communication, collaboration, and conflict.
Culture is not just a ping-pong table in the break room; it is a method by which organizations can ensure that all departments align with the overall mission of the company. In fact, culture is at the heart of competitive advantage because it determines how things are done, how people behave and most importantly, employee retention and stakeholder satisfaction. High performing districts create cultures that inspire staff to go the extra mile and to make and execute good decisions even when no-one is watching. Despite the competitive edge of healthy cultures, fewer than 10 percent of companies actually succeed in maintaining a high performing environment (Bain & Company). Though creating and maintaining such a culture is challenging, it can be done with intentional planning, purpose, dedicated leadership and TheSoL's support!
Building Healthy Cultures One Decision at a Time.
The School of Life believes that creating a great culture begins and ends with intentional decision making. High functioning cultures have structures in place that reinforce high quality decisions. Accordingly, the root of any dysfunctional culture is the lack of a consistent decision making process: Culture breaks happen when there is a lack of clarity about why and how decisions are made. In general, TheSoL transforms cultures by assessing the ways in which teams make and communicate decisions. Specifically, we help organizations build the cultural infrastructures that support sound decision making, healthy communication, collaboration and conflict.